Thursday 13 December 2007

Wrexham Boy Wins Trip To California

A TALENTED WREXHAM boy has won a trip to California as part of a competition to write an episode of the Cartoon Network show ‘Ben 10’. The team behind the show were looking for young imaginative writers to create an episode of the popular series, and found one from 10 year old James Kendrick, a pupil of Acton Park Junior School in Wrexham.

James will be whisked away on a four day trip to California, where he will visit the Burbank Studios, meet the creative team behind the animated series and get a behind the scenes look at the Cartoon Network. James is thrilled about winning the ‘Ben 10 You Write The Show Competition’ and this will be his first big trip to California. He has been a dedicated fan for four years and never misses an episode. He said “I love Ben 10, my favourite part of the show is the aliens” he enthuses “I’m really excited and can’t wait to see where Ben 10 is filmed and meet the people who make it happen”
Mrs Kendrick, Ben’s mum said, “We’re really chuffed, he’s got a very vivid imagination and has also won some design a game contests, when I found out he’d won I went to tell him in school. All his friends were asking if they could go in his suitcase to California”
In his spare time Ben enjoys writing and football as well as looking after his two chickens, Barry and Tika. His winning story involves a wide variety of characters including Big-Foot and a battle with an animal army.
The family will be taking their trip to sunny California in January, and Ben simply can’t wait to see how the programme is made. Also travelling with Ben will be his parents and his younger brother.
Published in the Wrexham Evening Leader


Comment – Talented boy in TV trip.

The press agency employed to promote the cartoon network were extremely interested in getting this article in the Evening Leader. Once I had begun writing the story I received three phone-calls asking when the article would be in and whether it would be in the large round-up free paper at the end of the week. This was difficult as I obviously was not in a position to guarantee anything. The story itself came via a press release. Over the course of my week at the Evening Leader I wrote up about twenty press releases – some of them could be developed into a story and others were merely promotional material for the local MP, councillor or business. Being naturally suspicious of promotional material I was uncomfortable with simply re-writing the press release and using the quotes provided which sounded contrived. The one concession was the quote from James saying “I’m really excited and can’t wait to see where Ben 10 is filmed and meet the people who make it happen”. Reading this back now I am uncomfortable as it doesn’t sound genuine. Though I wouldn’t dare to suggest this was a fabricated quote for the press release; - ‘meet the people who make it happen’ sounds a little more American than you would expect from a 10 year old from North Wales.
I contacted James’ mother for a quote and obviously she was delighted about the trip, though she was a little baffled about the plot of James’ winning entry.
I was pleased with this positive story about how a local boy’s imagination had won him a trip to America.

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